- Vision
To be a dynamic organization contributing to a transformed, equitable, and quality higher education and training system in India
- Mission
- Initiate critical discourse on contemporary higher education issues.
- Lead and manages quality assurance in higher education.
- Research and monitor trends and developments in education.
- Deliver quality education to socially and economically disadvantaged groups.
- Promote rural population educational and cultural development.
- Offer standard hostel facilities, physical education, and value education.
- Bring about societal change through education.
- Develop and utilize resources for ordinary people’s educational advancement.
- Support societal intellectual, ethical, and cultural development.
- Improve employability and economic development by providing technical and professional education.
- Build a broad educational network to encourage widespread engagement in education.
- Values
In pursuit of its vision and mission, the college is committed to and guided by the following values.
- Social Justice
- Quality
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Spirituality