- The students should not roam unnecessarily in lobby and the college premises.
- The students should spend their spare time in reading room.
- Roaming, creating nuisance in the college premises, going near other classes, or peeping inside them is prohibited.
- The student should read the notice board daily in order to be informed of important information and directions.
- Smoking, consuming tobacco and spitting inside the college is strictly prohibited.
- The college property such as books, building, sports material, garden, furniture, fans, bulbs, etc., should not be harmed otherwise strict action shall be taken.

- Girl students of the college should use girls’ common room in their spare time.
- The students are required not to go outside the college campus or the ashram premises during the college time.
- To avail the library facilities, the students should obey the rules of the library and should not tear the pages from the books and magazines.
- The students should enter the principal room, staff room, office and the laboratory without permission.
- The time-table of teaching practice for B Ed/B P Ed students shall be decided by the principal/head of the department. Their decision shall be final.
- It is compulsory for the girl students of B Ed to do the teaching practice in pink coloured saree-blouse and the boys in white shirt and blue trousers.
- All the students must carry their identity card while in the college. It can be asked for anytime. Strict action shall be taken against the student caught without identity card.
- Only those students shall be permitted to use the Chemistry, Zoology and Botany laboratories, who shall be in the possession of full arm apron.
- Ragging inside the college premises is not only banned, but also is treated as a crime according to the letter no. 1/1394-14300/99-2000, dated 17.6.99 from the Director of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh, and by the National Council for Human Rights. Any student, new or old, found to be involved in any kind of ragging or fight among them, shall be treated strictly, can be expelled from the college, and legal action can be initiated against them. So it is advisable for all the new and the old students not to negatively influence the educational atmosphere, be involved in their studies sincerely, and be disciplined.